CBS CHAVURAH and YACHAD Affinity Groups

Now more than ever, we know CBS congregants are looking for connection and engagement. CBS CHAVURAHS and YACHAD affinity groups connect members with one another, building community. and sharing activities they enjoy.

Whether you want to be part of a Chavurah where you socialize and celebrate Jewish life with other CBS members/families or  join a Yachad affinity group where you participate in “ONE” activity that you each enjoying doing together, we’ve got a group for YOU.

Let us help you connect to your CBS friendsNEW groups are forming now, and we’ve got a group just right for you.


Yachad Affinity Group

Fill out the Chavurah interest form here.

Fill out the Yachad interest form here

1.  Please fill out one form  per person/family. 1.  Please fill out one form per person.
2.  Want to take the lead, check the box. 2.  Please choose up to 3 groups.  Rank these with which group you are most interested in participating.
3.  Give  us your demographics.  We will put a group together. 3.  Give us 3 choices of interest and rank them 1-3 with one being your top choice. We will make every effort  to place you in one of your top three choices.


Don’t see what you’re looking for, there is a space on the form(s) to let us know that too.
It’s that easy, we’ll do the rest.

The following Yachad groups are looking for members to join them.

Adult Grandparents Group / Baking/Cooking / Bridge / Golf / Pickleball

If you are interested in Mah Jongg or Canasta, or would like to learn please contact Jackie Zelkowitz.

Morning Minyan Group,  please contact Scott Bosley 

To hear testimonials from our YACHAD & Chavurah group members, click here.

Submit your form

Questions regarding Chavurahs or Yachad Affinity Groups

Contact: Jackie Zelkowitz or Audrey Taxer