Circle of Giving

Congregation Beth Shalom Circle of Giving

CBS’s new annual fundraising campaign will provide support for the creation and continuance of our exceptional programming and meaningful worship and ensures that it will be available to all who wish to participate. These leadership levels recognize extraordinary generosity to help support and enhance everything Congregation Beth Shalom offers.

TREE OF LIFE CIRCLE     $17,999 – $10,000

  • Annual Household Commitment & Kol Nidre Appeal
  • Two tickets to the CBS Annual Fundraising Evetn
  • Men’s Club & Sisterhood Membership
  • Security and USCJ Dues
  • Invitation to ALL Shabbat Dinners for your Immediate Family
  • Yearly Recognition in our CBS Bulletin as Part of the Circle of Giving
  • Special Yearly Program @ CBS for This Specific Level of Giving
  • Special Invite to Annual Recognition Event

TZEDAKAH – RIGHTEOUSNES     $24,999-$18,000

Includes ALL Benefits From Tree of Life Circle Level Plus the Following:

  • Four Tickets to The CBS Annual Fundraising Event
  • Two Additional High Holiday Tickets
  • Special Yearly Program @ Clergy Home for This Specific Level of Giving


Includes ALL Benefits From Tree of Life Circle Level  and Tzedakah Level Plus the Following:

  • Six Tickets to The CBS Annual Fundraising Event
  • Four Additional High Holiday Tickets
  • Invitation to Early Receptions for Distinguished Speakers and Other Programs

If you have questions of wish to discuss Circle of Giving please contact Michael Garlin, CBS Executive Director or Brad Shaps, CBS Fundraising Vice President.

Click here for a printable copy of the Circle of Giving Commitment Form.