This page of the website briefly outlines the two years before your child’s b’nai mitzvah, highlighting the points in your preparation and planning that you should be addressing at about that time.
B’nai Mitzvah Date assigned.
Attend Next Steps Planning Meeting and receive an overview of online materials.
Attend Short Term B’nai Mitzvah Planning
meeting and review online materials.
Student attends Mechina (B’nai Mitzvah Prep) Class on Shabbat mornings And select Sunday mornings throught the school year.
Your child is registered for AND attending religious school!
Set-up and serve Kiddush at 2 Shabbat services.
Receive and fulfill obligatory Shabbat Ambassador and Kiddush serving assignments. You are required to help others, as you will be helped.
Contact Cantor Steve if you need guidance on or you’d like to discuss your child’s Tikun Olam Project.
Begin weekly tutoring sessions, which will continue until the week of the B’nai Mitzvah. Stay in contact with your child’s tutor to express concerns and remain current on his or her progress.
Begin attending Shabbat morning services with your child to become familiar with the service and help you and your child set expectations for their participation on their day.
Your child is registered for AND attending religious school!
Continue communication with your child’s tutor to stay current on progress, discuss goals for the day, Friday evening service participation, etc.
Arrange with our B’nai Mitzvah coordinator, Randi Simon, regarding Torah readings for other family members who can and would like to read.
Make sure your child is on track with the “3 Pillars” requirements.
Attend Shabbat services more frequently to build familiarity
Acquire tallit for your child (required for boys; encouraged for girls).
Contact Randi Simon, Kiddush Coordinator, regarding Shabbat Kiddush and complete the Kiddush agreement.
Set up time for pictures with Maria Catezone, Office Manager.
Stay current on your child’s progress both with tutor and 3 Pillars program.
Throug Lisa Weisner, Clergy Assistant, set up a meeting with our Rabbi Chapman to review timetables, logistics, and various ritual topics including the Aliyah- Honor Sheet. You receive 3 Aliyot at the Torah, in addition to the B’nai Mitzvah’s Aliyah and an ark opening. Participants must be Jewish and over BM age. A younger sibling may lead a blessing such as Kiddush/Motzi.
Through Lisa Weisner, Clergy Assistant, schedule your final run through of the service with Rabbi Melman for within 1-2 weeks of your simcha.
Randi contacts you to discuss the menu and count for Kiddush (if applicable).
Parents – Work on Parents’ Prayer for your child. You are encouraged to write something original based on the examples, which are available on the CBS website.
Complete your commitments for the “3 Pillars” Mitzvah Program and hand in any written/display materials to Cantor Steve.
Turn in the Aliyah-Honor sheet.
Provide your final Kiddush count to Randi.
Have your final run through of the service with Rabbi Melman.
Complete your commitments for the “3 Pillars” Mitzvah Program and hand in any written/display materials to Cantor Steve.
Remain calm. Your child is well prepared and everything will run smoothly!
Take pictures and video as previously scheduled through Maria in the office.
If ordering kippot, drop them off to the CBS Office.
Attend and participate in Friday evening services with family (optional).
Arrive at the synagogue by 9:00 AM Saturday morning.
Hug and kiss your child. Tell your child you love them and that you are proud!
Click on the links below to access our information B’nai Mitzvah timelines and planners: