B’nai Mitzvah at CBS

B’nai Mitzvah at CBS

This page outlines who is eligible to celebrate a b’nai mitzvah at CBS, and what the prerequisites are, as well as what requirements both the b’nai mitzvah and the family will need to fulfill in the months preceding the celebration.


  1. Age – boys must be thirteen (13) years of age according to EITHER the Jewish or secular calendar.  Girls are eligible after they turn 12.
  2. Education – your child must currently be enrolled in and attending the CBS Religious School, Solomon Schechter Day School or another program of Jewish Education approved by our Director of Education or have completed their 7th grade year.  If a student is transferred from another congregation, that student will be placed in the appropriate class level in our Religious School.
  3. Congregational fees – All outstanding congregational fees (dues, tuition, B’nai Mitzvah fee, etc.) and assessments must be paid in full 60 days prior to the date of the B’nai Mitzvah service. (Please note: extended payment plans are available for dues and tuition only.)

Student’s Responsibilities

    1. Practice – We expect your child to practice 30 minutes per day to ensure that they will be fully prepared for their simcha.
    2. Tikun Olam Project– This is an opportunity for each child to individualize the experience of B’nai Mitzvah by pursuing a project that reaches into the community. The idea is for each student to find a cause they believe in and work to find a way to support it through social action, advocacy, tzedaka and personal committment . The family is invited to meet with Cantor Stoehr to explore the possibilities available in fulfilling this required element of the B’nai Mitzvah process. The project can and should be family driven.
    3. Service Attendance – Your child is expected to attend Shabbat/Holiday services one-two times per month to become familiar with the services.  Ideally, you will attend with your child.  6th Grade Religious School will meet on a combination of Saturday and Sunday mornings. With regular attendance, this responsibility will be fulfilled.  This is consistent with existing religious school requirements.

Parents’ Responsibilities

In the Jewish tradition of friend helping friend, each B’nai Mitzvah family will be scheduled for the following assignments:

  1. Ambassador Program – Each B’nai Mitzvah family will be scheduled for Saturday morning service assignments via letter or email.  Parents and B’nai Mitzvah student may serve as Shabbat Ambassadors assisting the congregation in creating a welcoming and helpful environment. The central benefit of these Ambassador assignments is aiding the B’nai Mitzvah families of that morning by helping to maintain decorum and welcoming their guests to our congregation.  At 9:00am sharp . There will also be a Ritual Committee Ambassador working with you, and they will direct all of the ushering procedures during the service.
  2. Serving –  Each B’nai Mitzvah family will be scheduled to serve at Kiddushim for other B’nai Mitzvah families. One parent or both parents may participate in this responsibility.  Assignments will be provided to each family via letter or email.  Just as you will do for others, a group of B’nai Mitzvah parents and Sisterhood members will be there for you at your Simcha.  This allows you not only to reciprocate the generosity of those who will serve at your Simcha, but also gives you the opportunity to see, first hand, what is involved and what your options are before having your Simcha. Assignments for the Ambassador Program and Serving will NEVER be on the same day since both parents can participate in both activities.