CBS Staff and How They Can Help You

If you have questions regarding your upcoming B’nai Mitzvah,  we have the names and contact information for the people who will have the answers to your questions:

To schedule a B’nai Mitzvah: Ritual VP Steve Lessman,

To schedule times to take photos/videos: Maria Catezone, Office Manager, , 847-498-4100 x126

To arrange to sponsor a Kiddush  for your B’nai Mitzvah : Randi Simon, B’nai Mitzvah/Kiddush Coordinator, , 847-498-4100 x123

For information about Mechina (Trope) Class and tutoring: B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator, Randi Simon, , 847-498-4100 x123

To find out how family and friends can arrange to read Torah at the Bar or Bat Mitzvah: B’nai Mitzvah/Torah Coordinator, Randi Simon, Randi Simon, 847-498-4100 x123

To answer questions about fees and costs associated with the Bar or Bat mitzvah: Lauri Holmes, Controller, ,  847-498-4100 x122

To reserve facilities for your Friday night dinner or simchas: Maria Catezone, Office Manager, ,  847-498-4100 x126

To assign honors for family and friends on the day of event: Lisa Weisner, Assistant to the Clergy, , 847-498-4100 x129

For information on the Tikun Olam Project component of the Three Pillars Program: Cantor Steven Stoehr, , 847-498-4100 x114

To schedule a meeting with one of the Rabbis for your child to work on their speech/d’var Torah: Lisa Weisner, Assistant to the Clergy, , 847-498-4100 x129

To get more information about how to participate in the Remember Us Project  email: 

For general questions not covered above, contact: Steve Lessman, Ritual Vice President, or Randi Simon, CBS B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator.