If you have questions regarding your upcoming B’nai Mitzvah, we have the names and contact information for the people who will have the answers to your questions:
To schedule a B’nai Mitzvah: Ritual VP Steve Lessman,
To schedule times to take photos/videos: Maria Catezone, Office Manager, , 847-498-4100 x126
To arrange to sponsor a Kiddush for your B’nai Mitzvah : Randi Simon, B’nai Mitzvah/Kiddush Coordinator, , 847-498-4100 x123
For information about Mechina (Trope) Class and tutoring: B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator, Randi Simon, , 847-498-4100 x123
To find out how family and friends can arrange to read Torah at the Bar or Bat Mitzvah: B’nai Mitzvah/Torah Coordinator, Randi Simon, Randi Simon, 847-498-4100 x123
To answer questions about fees and costs associated with the Bar or Bat mitzvah: Lauri Holmes, Controller, , 847-498-4100 x122
To reserve facilities for your Friday night dinner or simchas: Maria Catezone, Office Manager, , 847-498-4100 x126
To assign honors for family and friends on the day of event: Lisa Weisner, Assistant to the Clergy, , 847-498-4100 x129
For information on the Tikun Olam Project component of the Three Pillars Program: Cantor Steven Stoehr, , 847-498-4100 x114
To schedule a meeting with one of the Rabbis for your child to work on their speech/d’var Torah: Lisa Weisner, Assistant to the Clergy, , 847-498-4100 x129
To get more information about how to participate in the Remember Us Project email:
For general questions not covered above, contact: Steve Lessman, Ritual Vice President, or Randi Simon, CBS B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator.