Would you like your high school student to earn college credits? Do they have questions about what is happening in Israel? Do they feel ill-equipped to have conversations about Israel?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, CBS has the program for your student! This year, CBS High is partnering with American Jewish University’s (AJU) Jewish Learning Experience (JLE). We will be offering one class, that will meet on Sundays twice a month from 12:15 to 2:15 p.m. All class periods will begin with lunch. The class will be taught by our Director of Education, Stacy Ybarra.
The class we are offering is JST 313: Introduction to the History, Culture, and People of Israel – 3.0 credits
Israel’s history, culture and people have always been and will continue to be distinctly nuanced and complex. This course will present historical events and statistics pertaining to Israel and teach students how to critically analyze a wide range of subject matter, perspectives, and experiences. Topics include the founding of the State of Israel, a timeline of Jewish history in the region, the various versions of Zionism, and the path to becoming an independent country. The course will also explore the multiple wars and attempts at peace which have changed the evolving, contested boundaries of the country. A survey of the lived experiences of Israelis and Palestinians from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds as well as the food, culture, language, art, and poetry which have contributed to a multifaceted society will be discussed.
Students will be officially enrolled in AJU and all fees will go directly to them. The cost for the year-long, 3-credit class is $1300. However, both AJU and the JUF are each offering $400 scholarships making the final cost for your student $500.
See the flier below for more information.
For questions please contact Stacy Ybarra at or 847-498-5352.
To register click here