Mitzvah Day 2022

April 3, 2022    
9:45 am - 11:45 am

Lend a hand and help CBS and Sisterhood during Mitzvah Day on Sunday, April 3rd. 

Also, these are drop-off projects.
Collection drawers are located outside of the coat room.

In conjunction with the CBS Religious School and Mitzvah Day, we will be collecting a variety of products, new or used, for the Border Tails Rescue in Northbrook. Donations could include paper towels, powder laundry detergent, towels, blankets, toys, animal beds, cleaning supplies (Pine Sol and bleach, etc.).  Border Tails Rescue is a licensed 501(c)(3) animal rescue and welfare organization dedicated to the rescue and adoption of stray dogs from Mexico and the Chicagoland area, as well as across the South United States.

This collection will run through April.

Our Mission: Through an international network of affiliates, I Support the Girls collects and distributes bras, allowing women and girls experiencing homelessness, impoverishment, or distress to stand tall with dignity.

A woman shouldn’t have to choose between feeding herself and her personal health. Every woman should have the ability to maintain her dignity. 

This collection has been ongoing since 2017 and will continue.