Israel in Depth — April 3, 2022

April 3, 2022    
10:00 am

4/3   Israel to the Rescue!  

Through a mix of government agencies and voluntary organizations, Israel extends emergency assistance to countries around the world at their times of greatest need. We’ll get acquainted with the work of IsraAid, Mashav, and other entities that take seriously the goal of being a “light unto the nations.” 

10:00 — 11:00 A.M.

 All sessions will be taught by Carl Schrag and will take place at 10:00 am BOTH in person and on Zoom (multi-access). We will watch the class together in the Kamensky Sanctuary

Prior to returning to CBS, please remember to upload your vaccination card below and wear a mask.  

The class is co-sponsored by CBS University/Adult Education, Men’s Club and Israel Committee.