Coming Out of Hibernation

July 13, 2021    
9:30 am - 10:30 am

Clinical research tells us that increased socialization and connecting with your community is recommended for dealing with anxiety, grief, and isolation. This is counter to our now established habits of masking and social distancing. As we transition to a post-Covid world, many of us are experiencing tremendous anxiety, many are experiencing grief both for how the world has changed and anticipatory grief about our uncertain future. In this program, we will  discuss ways to cope with the anxiety, grief and isolation as we try to reinvent, re-imagine and recover.

Nina Henry, LCPC, CADC is an Addiction Specialist and Mental Health Educator at JCFS Chicago. She has been active in the substance use and mental health fields for over 30 years. Ms. Henry received her Master of Counseling at Northeastern Illinois University and was certified to provide addiction treatment services by the Illinois Certification Board.

Questions? Contact Lisa () or Leann (