Thursday, May 25
Mac & Cheese Bake-Off & Dinner
Sign up for a spot to bake your ‘Shema-zzarella’
CBS clergy will taste-test all submissions
DIY Mt. Sinai Cupcake Bar!
Special appearance by children’s author Arianna Brooks
Sign up by 5/16. Contact Michael Schneider with any questions.
$18.00/family – Register Here
Thursday, May 25
Celebrate the Gift of Torah by Learning into the Night
8:00 PM – Ma’ariv/Service to Welcome the Festival with Dinner immediately following (in-person and live stream from the Feather Beit Midrash)
8:45-9:30 PM – Trauma, Music, and the Breath with Heather Aranyi, a faculty member of the Lyric Opera of Chicago
9:30 PM – Dessert
9:45-10:30 PM – The Wisdom of Talmud Scholar, Rabbi Dr. David Weiss Halivni z”l, with his son, Shai Halivni
10:30-11:30 PM Shavuot cocktails and late-night Torah with Jonathan Weisbach and Rabbi David Chapman
Friday, May 26th
9:30 AM – Festival Service (in-person and live steam from the Kamesnky Sanctuary)
6:00 PM – Mincha/Festival Ma’ariv (in-person and live stream from the Feather Beit Midrash)
Saturday, May 27th
9:30 AM – Shabbat Festival Service/Yizkor (in-person and live steam from the Kamesnky Sanctuary)
12:30 PM – Mincha (in-person and live stream from the Feather Beit Midrash)