A Special Event for Our CBS Family
Featuring *Rabbi Josh Warshawsky & The Clergy of Congregation Beth Shalom
Friday, June 26th @ 6:30 PM
CBS Parking Lot – limited to 113 cars
Must pre-register
Parking lot will NOT open until 5:45 pm – please do not arrive early.
First come, first served. Rain or shine.
Weekly Shabbat Service will still occur at 6:00 pm – Live Streamed (only) from the Feather Beit Midrash.
Contact Rabbi Melman with questions at or call 847.498.4100.
*Rabbi Josh Warshawsky is a nationally touring musician, songleader and composer. He is originally from Deerfield, and well known in the Jewish camp world. Josh has released three albums of Jewish music, with a fourth on the way. Check out more about him and hear his music at www.joshwarshawsky.com.