More Thoughts of day 1

Posted on March 27, 2024

As we gathered in Atlanta for our exploration of civil rights, it was apropos that the weather was gloomy. We were here to learn about civil rights, a topic that couldn’t be washed away with the spring time storm we encountered.  We discussed origins and flashpoints.  We saw historic sites in Atlanta where the Rev. Martin (Michael actually) Luther King Jr. was born, and preached and was ultimately laid to rest.

As we drove toward Montgomery, the storm, like the ugly experiences African Americans endured, continued incessantly.

As we approached Tuskegee, AL though, the weather turned.  Perhaps ironic, since the Tuskegee Airmen also helped turn the tide in the Second World War. Perhaps their contribution helped change perceptions that African Americans were and are equals in every way.  Maybe it was proof to the world that it was time for a change.  That there was hope.

For me, reinforcement of that hope was the rainbow that greeted us at the hotel.
And this was just day one!