Israel in Depth — March 20, 2022

March 20, 2022    
10:00 am - 11:00 am

3 / 20   The 4 (or 5) Tribes of Israel:

 Former President Reuven Rivlin identified four modern-day “tribes” of Israel — secular, modern Orthodox, haredi and Arab. Others add a fifth tribe — world Jewry. What can these classifications tell us about Israeli society and the religious, cultural, social, and economic identifiers of the nearly 10 million people who make up Israel?

10:00 — 11:00 A.M.

4/3 — Israel to the Rescue!

Men’s Club will host a breakfast at CBS in Rosner Hall at 9:30 am, if you would like to attend IN PERSON. There is no charge for breakfast but you MUST register by Wednesday, March 16th to reserve your spot…register for the breakfast at:  

All sessions will be taught by Carl Schrag and will take place at 10:00 am BOTH in person and on Zoom (multi-access).

We will watch the class together in the Kamensky Sanctuary.

Prior to returning to CBS, please remember to upload your vaccination card below and wear a mask.  

The class is co-sponsored by CBS University/Adult Education, Men’s Club and Israel Committee.