B’nai Mitzvah Timeline

B’nai  Mitzvah Planner

Three years before…

Your child is registered for AND attending religious school!

 B’nai Mitzvah Date assigned.

 Attend Next Steps Planning Meeting and receive an overview of online materials.

12 – 18 Months before…

        Depending on the month of your Simcha – attend B’nai Mitzvah Planning

meeting and review online materials.

 Begin attending Shabbat morning services with your child to become familiar

with the service and help you and your child set expectations for their participation on their day.

 Approximately 1 Year before…

Your child is registered for AND attending religious school!

 Attend Mechina (BM Prep  Class on Shabbat or Sunday mornings (8 sessions for parents and students.

  Contact Cantor Steve if you need guidance on or you’d like to discuss your child’s Tikkun Olam Project.

 Receive and fulfill obligatory Shabbat Ambassador and Kiddush serving

        assignments. You are required to help others, as you will be helped.

           Set-up and serve Kiddush at 2 Shabbat services.

           Begin weekly tutoring sessions, which will continue until the week of the B’nai


            current on their progress.     

6 Months Before…

Your child is registered for AND attending religious school!

 Continue communication with your child’s tutor to stay current on progress, discuss goals for the day, Friday evening service participation, etc.

 Arrange with our B’nai Mitzvah coordinator, Randi Simon, regarding Torah readings for other family members who can and would like to read.

 Make sure your child is on track with the Tikkun Olan requirements.

 Attend Shabbat services more frequently to build familiarity

 Acquire tallit for your child (required for boys; encouraged for girls).

4 Months Before…

 Contact Randi Simon regarding Shabbat Kiddush and complete the Kiddush agreement and make Host Fee Payment

 Set up time for pictures with Maria Catezone.

 Stay current on your child’s progress both with tutor and Tikkun Olam project.

2 – 3 Months Before…

 Through the Clergy Assistant, Lisa Weisner, set up a meeting with Rabbi Chapman to review timetables, logistics, and various ritual topics including the Aliyah- Honor Sheet. You receive 3 Aliyot at the Torah, in addition to the B’nai Mitzvah’s Aliyah and an ark opening. Participants must be Jewish and over BM age. A younger sibling may lead a blessing such as Kiddush/Motzi.

 Through the Clergy Assistant, schedule your final run through of the service with Rabbi Chapman or Cantor Stoehr within 1-2 weeks of your simcha.

6– 8 Weeks Before…

 Parents – Work on Parents’ Prayer for your child. You are encouraged to write something original based on the examples, which are available on the CBS website.

 Complete your commitments for the “Tikkun Olam” Mitzvah Program and hand in any written/display materials to Cantor Steve or Rabbi Chapman

2 -4 Weeks Before …

 Turn in the Aliyah-Honor sheet.

 Provide your final Kiddush count to Randi Simon. Balance for Kiddush commitment is due. Make arrangements for payment with Lauri Holmes                     

1-2 Weeks Before …

 Have your final run through of the service with Rabbi Chapman.

 Student will have full run through on bima with Tutor and run through D’var Torah on bima with Rabbi Chapman.

 Complete your commitments for the Tikkun Olam Mitzvah Program and hand in any written/display materials to Cantor Steve.

The week of…

 Remain calm. Your child is well prepared and everything will run smoothly!

 Take pictures and video as previously scheduled through Maria in the office.

 If ordering kippot, drop them off to the CBS Office.

The Shabbat of …

 Attend and participate in Friday evening services with family (optional).

 Arrive at the synagogue by 9:00 AM Saturday morning.

 Hug and kiss your child. Tell your child you love them and that you are proud!

        Smile and enjoy the service…it all goes by so quickly. 

B’nai Mitzvah Timeline